About Us
Finding Joy in Everything Around Us
Our natural farm environment provides an ever changing back drop with equitable opportunities for each child to freely explore, enquire and engage purposefully within their wider world.

Children are natural born explorers. From an early age children develop curiosity about the world in which they live. As a community we share a collective responsibility to uphold, protect and nurture each child’s rights, interests, and cultural perspectives; to value each child as unique within the context of their own world view and to strengthen and celebrate each child’s capacity for success, every day.
Country Kids, in partnership with families, provides purposeful experiences and meaningful play opportunities for each child.
Our learning-through-play curriculum integrates cultural values, practical life skills, foundational literacy and numeracy concepts within a holistic, unhurried day of play, exploration and discovery.
Are places where we feel connected, where we belong; where we feel especially empowered and where we feel safe.
Our sense of family connection informs shared experiences and relationships. Together, we share ideas and aspirations that support and celebrate each child as unique and valued.
Our common purpose as 'guardians' or 'kaitiaki' is to guide, protect and nurture all things.
Meet The Team
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